Manager / Supervisor Information
We provide employees and their families with in-person, confidential, short-term counseling, assessment, resource and referral information focusing on a broad range of life and work issues.
We provide supervisors and managers with consultation on how to resolve difficult employee issues using approaches that benefit employees and the organization.
Supervisor Resources
SWEAP provides a wealth of resources to help managers and supervisors keep people productive. Below are some examples of the types of resources we provide our clients, if you would like to discuss our EAP services for your organization, please contact us.
EAP Brochures (English and Spanish)
Managing Troubled Employees
Performance Problem Checklist
Additional EAP Services
Online Resources
We offer access to hundreds of articles, self assessments, online and video streaming programs, interactive tools, calculators and federal and state documents, online training and more. Log in for online resources
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
Considerations might be the death of an individual, a serious accident or a reduction in force. Just as no two crises are alike, SWEAP has a number of different response options to meet these needs.
Training and Organizational Development
Our expertise in human dynamics is ideally suited to provide a full range of your company’s training and organizational development needs, from a simple training session to strategic planning for the company’s future. View The Training List
Conflict Resolution
Consultation to assist employees, supervisors, workgroup and departments in resolving conflicts that interfere with performance and communications. The EAP serves as an impartial third party to help people express their workplace concerns, resolve and manage conflict, and learn more productive ways of communicating.
Alcohol and Drug Outreach
We provide assessment, treatment and follow-up care to those who are identified through drug screening or self disclosure, as well as training for supervisors regarding workplace alcohol and chemical dependency policy and educational trainings for employees. This can include Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) services as described by DOT regulations (49CFR 40).
Workplace Violence and Harassment Prevention
Provide analysis and identification of areas of concern and potential liability. Consultation and customized employee training are provided.